Friday, 27 March 2009

I've made some sales!

I've sold some of my bags on Etsy!!!! I'm so pleased, I've sold 11 in total!!!!

Sunday, 15 March 2009

I love this Future-Ella fabric!

The other fabric is a Michael Miller vintage. I've listed them in my Etsy shop with all the others.

Saturday, 14 March 2009

Don't these look yummy!!!

I'm not really supposed to be eating these but I made them for DH (and I only had one bite, honest!!!). They're a bit big because I didn't have any small cake cases.

Tuesday, 3 March 2009

Leather shoes!

I just found these on line and kits on Etsy to make them and think they are so cute! You can buy the pattern from or a kit from Etsy. They remind me so much of the very expensive Robeez shoes I bought for my grandson when he was first born. I paid fortunes for them and if I had had this pattern I could have made them for a fraction of the price. My grandson was born with cerebral palsy and doesn't walk and is still only 20lbs in weight even though he's 2 now. I'm considering buying the pattern and making him a bunch of these since he will always be very small and will possibly never walk. He's such a gorgeous little boy too....

And here he is!

Edited 8th March: I had no idea that leather was so expensive - it would be cheaper just to buy the darned things......

Sunday, 1 March 2009


I've decided to list some of my bags on Etsy as I just have too many and every time I see a cute piece of fabric, I make a bag from it. Do you think this will sell?